When I Take A Dump

a: Lysosome ~
b: the sewer treatment plant of a city

What: When I take dump, it stink real bad. So goes the cell also, as stink real bad so I go to the lysosome of my mind and it comes out okay for me. but other thinking of their lysosmoe don't do it so well, and there's the rub.

Writer: Not Stated?
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: May 10 2013 6:41 PM

By Liza on 2015-January-27

Topic: Cell Analogy

Completely ridiculous. Grammar is completely off and is completely pointless.


By kelecy on 2015-October-15


Not useful at all who ever wrote this should be ashamed because this a is a horrible example it isn't even using correct grammar "when i take dump" really come on now be serious


By noNmae on 2015-October-19

Topic: this analogy

What a dumb thing to say...


By NotReallyGood on 2015-October-22


This guy is a wacko....


By Me on 2015-October-22

Topic: This thing

Not very good


By popkin on 2015-December-02

Topic: horrible

THIS is the best example of someone who doesn't care about what they are saying or ever doing.


By Jacobi on 2016-October-26

Topic: Science

This is the stupidest thing someone could say. what were you thinking


By Katie on 2016-December-30

Topic: Science

This wasn't helpful at all. i was looking for a real analogy to assist me with my work. Why are people like this.


By Andrew Johnson on 2018-March-05

Topic: wtf

this is just terrible. why is this even a thing?


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